Just a quick weekend project that I've been meaning to get to for the last ... oh.. I don't know... 4 years? I collect scrap wood from demolition sites, road sides, donations... you name it, and had recently acquired a bit of Poplar that I was wondering what to do with. Ever since we moved into our home 4 years ago we have just been dumping our silverware into a drawer all helter skelter like, a mosh pit of spoons, forks, and knives. Due to the irregularly sized drawers we have, I've never be able to find a divider that fit, so I went and broke out the table saw and surface planer and got to work.
I re-sawed the "reclaimed" 3/4" poplar in half and planed them down to 1/4" planks, made a couple of dado and rabbet's, a bit of wood glue, some clamps, and finished it up with a few coats of Shellac..... voila!
It is definitely strange to finally reach for a fork and actually find one on the first try.... it's like we are real adults now.... scary!